
Human Performance & Nutrition


I want to recognize and commend you for making a decision and taking action. I truly believe that you are taking the first step, in what could be, a life changing experience. As a former athlete, I have always had a passion for training and nutrition.

At Athletic Integration, our mission is to serve our clients with the highest customer service possible. This outstanding service is founded within the principles of our personal high standards, our commitment to excellence, developing loyalty, being creative, staying innovative, displaying integrity, and building respect.

Every day at Athletic Integration, we strive to raise the standard and provide the end user with an unmatched service without geographic limitations. We measure our success by our clients, our business partners, and our associates achieving their own unique personal goals.

Inspired by International Renown Physical Preparation Coach, Ian King and the KingSports International Team, Athletic Integration's vision is to continue to move physical preparation into future by upholding and maintaining the high standards set-forth by Coach King and the KSI Team.

By doing this, Athletic Integration strives to inspire, motivate, educate, and empower our clients, our business associates, and other coaches.

Why Exercise?

At this point in the month, I am sincerely hoping, that you haven't broken your New Year's Resolution, and stopped exercising or vanquished your trainer and coach with “why” questions. Does this situation sound familiar? If so, keep reading.

Webster's Dictionary defines fitness as the condition to being fit; suitability, appropriateness, healthiness, etc. But what does that really mean? Apparently most people are unaware or lacking the basic concepts of physical fitness. Therefore, I intend to inform you of the health problems linked with a sedentary lifestyle, why you should be physically active, the amount of exercise required to see health benefits from exercise, the goals of a healthy lifestyle, and the life lessons participating in physical fitness teaches us.


Athletic Integration LLC

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